
Adult Beginner Group Guitar Course

April through June, 2019

Program Description:

This is a fun, beginner acoustic guitar “campfire” style introduction to playing guitar in an encouraging group setting. You will be taken on a journey from the very basics to strumming up to 10 songs by course end!

Program length: 8 weeks, 1 hour per week

Time: Saturdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Dates: April 27 through June 22 (no class May long weekend)

Fee: $160

Age: 18 and up

Location: Riverside Music School - 5140 Limebank Road

Instructor: Steve Geyer

Requisites: Must bring an acoustic style guitar

(Guitars may be rented at $30/month or purchased at $220)

To reserve your place please contact Steve at riverside@geyermusic.com

Or call 613-822-1005